Monday 14 August 2017


#gemaBELAS2017 logo and the 'love' between 'we' & 'art'. The top picture was colored by a special kid at SKC Aik Hua, George Town, Penang, one of gemaBELAS' outreach sites that hosts a large numbers of special kids. These kids have mild or severe cerebral palsy, autism, dyslexic, down syndrom, slow-learning, hyper-active, etc. They are normally refered to as OKU that stands for 'orang kelainan upaya'. Some would call it 'orang kelebihan upaya'. We prefer 'special kids' or anak istimewa. Some parents call them 'anak syurga'. Remember that they were the ones who brought Olympic medals for Malaysia and sung Negara Ku wholeheartedly it brought tears to many eyes. We are the ones who should b learning from them, echoing the spirit of belas that their parents, families, relatives, teachers, helpers, friends have experienced, lived and practiced on a daily basis. Much can be learned from their preseverance. Those who dont have the experience of taking care of these 'anak syurga' can learn a lot from those who r living it. #BELASalamAikHua #Belasinsan #Belashaiwan #SKCAikHuaGeorgeTown

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